UPDATE: STRAWBERRIES December 18, 2023 Demand exceeds supply in California, Florida, and Mexico (into South Texas). Markon DCs are advised to talk with their Markon representative...
UPDATE: BELL PEPPERS December 15, 2023 Red bell peppers are extremely limited as domestic crops wind down and the Mexican season is delayed. Green bell supplies...
UPDATE: FLORIDA – WEEKEND SEVERE STORM December 18, 2023 Florida experienced a major storm on Saturday that brought heavy winds and rain to the state. The weather system continues...
UPDATE: MIXED BERRIES December 15, 2023 The Mexican-grown blackberry, blueberry, and raspberry seasons are getting underway, but supplies are limited due to cold weather and prior...
UPDATE: ASPARAGUS December 15, 2023 Supplies are extremely limited; prices will continue climbing. Peruvian imports (shipping into Florida) are tight. Demand for Mexican supplies has...
FROM THE FIELDS: DOWNY MILDEW IN DESERT BROCCOLI December 15, 2023 The Arizona/California desert growing region has experienced low temperatures and high humidity in the wake of a minor rain event...
UPDATE: CALIFORNIA CITRUS December 15, 2023 California’s San Joaquin Valley and Southern California citrus growing districts are forecast to receive a series of rain events starting...
UPDATE SUMMARY: WEEK OF DECEMBER 11, 2023 December 14, 2023 Asparagus Prices for all sizes have risen this week. Peruvian imports shipping into Miami, Florida are limited; pressure on Mexico...
UPDATE: CILANTRO December 14, 2023 Ready-Set-Serve (RSS) Washed & Trimmed Cilantro is available. Yields are high as cool, dry conditions have prevailed in Markon’s primary...
UPDATE: POTATOES – NORKOTAH AND BURBANK SUPPLIES December 14, 2023 Markon First Crop (MFC) Norkotah and Burbank Potatoes are currently being shipped out of Idaho and Washington. Norkotahs Norkotahs will...
UPDATE: CUCUMBERS December 14, 2023 East Coast cucumber supplies are light as the Florida (domestic) season winds down. Overall demand is shifting towards Mexico, pushing...
UPDATE: STRAWBERRIES December 14, 2023 Rain is in the forecast for the California and Florida growing regions starting Saturday December 16 through Friday December 22....