Arugula supplies will remain limited next week. Prices are rising.
A warming trend is expected in the Arizona/California desert growing region through next week. Despite the optimistic weather forecast, arugula supplies will remain tight following low temperatures over the last three weeks.
- Arugula is temperamental to temperature swings, hot or cold
- Temperatures from 28˚F to 35˚F will:
- Slow plant maturity
- Turn arugula yellow
- Cause purple cast/shading on the edge and tips of leaves
- Reduce shelf-life due to dehydration and wilting; cell walls are damaged by freezing temperatures
Elevated markets are beginning to ease. Peruvian imports are tight but Mexican production will increase steadily throughout February. Markon First Crop (MFC) Asparagus is available.
- New crop MFC Asparagus quality ranges from very good to excellent
- Production out of Northwestern Mexico (Caborca) will continue to ramp up slowly over the next two to three weeks
- Extra-large and jumbo-size supplies remain limited, but availability is increasing alongside additional harvests
- Additional customs enforcement and inspections on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border has led to more delays
- Despite these challenges, markets will continue to ease over the next two to four weeks as production surges and weather warms
- Stocks (shipped into Miami, Florida) are tightening; yields are decreasing amid hot weather
- Quality is fair and holding up well despite longer transit times
Bell Peppers
Green bell pepper demand is increasing due to recent poor weather in Florida; markets are rising. Red bell pepper volume is increasing in Sinaloa, Mexico; markets are lower.
Green Bells
- MFC and Markon Essentials (ESS) Green Bell Peppers are available
- Florida has moderate production despite cold weather and harvest delays from Storm Enzo
- Temperatures are expected to be in the 70s for the next 10 days
- Expect adequate volume to remain for several weeks; quality is good
- Mexican supply is steady due to recent favorable weather
- Demand is increasing due to Storm Enzo affecting Florida harvests and logistical routes
- Quality is very good; all sizes are available
- Markets will start to rise heading into next week
Red Bells
- MFC and ESS Red Bell Peppers are available
- Overall supply is increasing in Sinaloa, Mexico due to favorable weather
- New crop quality is very good; all sizes are available
- Suppliers are monitoring slight reductions in harvest due to increased Cartel activity this week
- Expect slightly lower prices over the next two weeks
Cantaloupe and Honeydew Melons
Central American cantaloupe stocks remain limited; demand exceeds supply. Prices are elevated. Mexican honeydew supplies are increasing; markets are inching down.
Central America
- Supplies are extremely limited
- Tropical Storm Sara impacted Central America in late November, reducing current yields in Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica
- Cool, cloudy weather and passing rains delayed growth in replanted lots and secondary growing regions
- Size will vary by arrival and grower; Markon may recommend size substitutions based on availability
- Expect limited supplies and elevated markets through February; volume is expected to increase in March
Central American/Mexican
- Central American honeydews remain scarce
- Tropical Storm Sara impacted Central America in late November, reducing current yields in Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica
- Cool, cloudy weather and passing rains delayed growth in replanted lots and secondary growing regions
- Mexican supplies (crossing into Nogales, Arizona) are increasing weekly, helping offset demand for offshore fruit
- All sizes are limited; size substitutions may be recommended based on availability
- Expect a wide range in pricing and limited supplies through February; volume is expected to increase in March
ESS Cauliflower is available; packer label is being substituted as necessary.
- Supplies out of the Holtville, California and Yuma, Arizona regions are tight; minimal volumes are available in Santa Maria, California
- Ready-Set-Serve (RSS) Cauliflower Floret supplies will also tighten this week
- Consecutive days of cold weather have stunned plant growth and limited harvestable yields
- Quality is good with minimal defects; expect to see plant dehydration and shorter shelf-life as unfavorable weather persists
- High winds and low temperatures are expected to continue through the end of the month
- Demand is poised to rise as we move into February, which will kickstart markets and push prices to higher levels
From the Fields: Arizona and California Desert Freeze-related Quality Issues
The Arizona/California desert growing region will continue to endure freezing temperatures through this week. Although the severity of lettuce ice has diminished, production and loading challenges persist.
Beginning this week, members and end-users will see an overall decline in quality and case weights due to three consecutive weeks of freezing temperatures and strong winds.
Quality challenges expected over the next four weeks include but are not limited to:
- Dehydration/wilting
- Decreased case weights
- Elevated dirt in some lettuce items
- Wind damage
- Epidermal blister & peeling
- Shortened shelf-life potential
- Stalled plant growth
- Yellowing leaves
Markon inspectors continue to monitor desert row crops closely and are working with growers to secure the best product for Markon orders.
Basil, tarragon, and thyme supplies continue to struggle due to adverse weather conditions in almost all growing areas. Expect limited supplies and rising prices over the next four to six weeks.
Ventura County, California
- Strong winds damaged plants last fall, reducing yields for winter production
- Cold nights and dry conditions have slowed growth
- Forecasts call for increasing temperatures with rain early next week
- Hawaiian basil is scarce due to extremely high demand
- Mexican stocks in the Baja region are low due to poor quality from recent strong winds; demand is active
- Columbian tarragon and thyme continue to struggle with poor-quality because of recent rains
Overall zucchini supplies are improving this week; markets are easing. Yellow squash volume remains low, but prices are fairly stable. MFC Zucchini and Yellow Squash are available.
- Zucchini yields are increasing due to favorable weather in Western Mexico
- Yellow squash availability remains tight; this crop typically takes longer to rebound
- Overall quality is average with bruising and scarring the main concerns
- Growers will harvest new acreage this week, increasing overall volume and quality
- Yellow squash is limited due to low temperatures and limited winter plantings in Florida
- Zucchini is in decent supply; stocks are starting to increase due to warmer weather
- Overall quality is good
- Higher temperatures are forecast in Florida; yields will climb
- Expect lower zucchini prices and steady, yet elevated markets for yellow squash this week
Please contact your Markon Account Manager for more information.
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