California winter volume has been rising, but more rain is forecast to begin Friday, January 19. Mexican-grown strawberries (crossing into South Texas) are increasing due to improved weather. Persistent rain and cold weather are tightening Florida supplies.
Santa Maria/Oxnard, California
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Strawberries are available
- Rain is forecast for Friday, January 19 through Monday, January 22
- Quality is good; pin rot and uneven ripening have been reported
- Expect strong demand and elevated markets through the month of January
- Plastic clamshells may need to be substituted for corrugated packs due to rain
- MFC Strawberries are available
- Rain is forecast for Friday; temperatures continue to drop
- Quality is good; white shoulders and bruising have been reported
- Expect steady prices and limited supplies over the next two weeks
Central Mexico (loading in South Texas)
- Markon members are advised to load out of South Texas due the continued rain and cold weather in other growing regions
- Quality is average; issues include white shoulders and over ripening
- Mexican fruit continues to help fill the void from California and Florida shortages
- Markets will inch down as stocks increase over the next two weeks
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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