The Santa Maria and Oxnard, California growing regions expect rain next Tuesday, February 4 and Wednesday, February 5; harvesting and loading may be delayed.
Santa Maria, California
- The spring season has begun
- Size currently ranges from 9 to 14 berries per 8/1-pound clamshell
- Quality is good; green shoulders are being reported
- Expect prices to inch up for the next 10 days
Oxnard, California
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Strawberries are available
- Volume has fallen; cool weather has slowed growth
- Size currently ranges from medium to large (12-20 berries per 1-pound clamshell)
- Quality is good; color is deep red and flavor is sweet
- Expect markets to remain firm for the next 10 days
Mexico (into South Texas)
- Supplies are limited
- Size ranges from medium to large (22-26 berries per 1-pound clamshell)
- Quality is good; small size, white shoulders, and misshaped berries have been reported
- Prices are steady
- MFC Strawberries are available
- Supplies are ample
- Size ranges from small-medium to medium (24-28 berries per 1-pound clamshell)
- Quality is good
- Markets are stable
Please contact your Markon Account Manager for more information.
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