Following three consecutive weeks of freezing temperatures in the Arizona/California desert growing region, temperatures are higher this week. Warm weather will peak today, then cool down yet remain above seasonal averages.
Green Leaf
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Premium Green Leaf is available
- Quality is very good
- Yellowing outer leaves are being removed at the field level
- Harvesting crews are avoiding uneven heads
- Demand is strengthening; industry supplies vary from supplier to supplier following consecutive weeks of freezing temperatures that slowed growth
- Markets will be steady to slightly higher this week
- MFC Premium Iceberg Lettuce is sporadic due to low weights; Markon Best Available (MBA) is being substituted as needed
- Quality is good
- Epidermal blistering/peeling, growth cracks, and lower weights are being observed in many lots
- This week’s warmer weather will further exacerbate blister and peel quality issues
- Demand is strong; industry supplies are tighter, pushing markets higher
- Expect price increases this week
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Premium Romaine is available
- Quality is strong; epidermal blistering and peeling are present following consecutive lettuce ice events but reduced compared to prior seasons
- Demand is strengthening; however, supplies remain ample
- Markets are expected to remain steady this week
Please contact your Markon Account Manager for more information.
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