MFC Premium Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine are available; MBA is being substituted as needed due to light weights.
- Salinas, California is experiencing a heat wave this week; quality is holding up but expected to diminish in the coming weeks as a result of extended warm days and nights
- Dehydration, insect pressure, seeder, and sun scald are forecast to increase; disease pressure remains minimal overall but is affecting select areas of the Salinas Valley
- Growers in the Salinas Valley are managing remaining acres through early November, before the crop transitions to Central California and the Arizona/California desert regions
- Oxnard iceberg and romaine harvests will begin in early to mid-October; green leaf will not be available from Oxnard
- Huron is scheduled to start in mid- to late October
- The Arizona-California desert region will begin production in early November and ramp up by the middle to end of November
- Expect steady markets this week, with prices inching up next week as supplies diminish and quality issues increase
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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