California red bell pepper supplies are increasing; stubbornly high prices are starting to ease. Green bell pepper supplies are adequate as the Midwest and California coastal regions are well established; markets are slightly lower. Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials (ESS) Green and Red Bell Peppers are available.
Green Bells
- California’s coastal growing regions of Hollister and Santa Maria are in peak production
- These regions were not exposed to July heatwaves like the San Joaquin Valley
- Quality is excellent
- Large sizes are most prevalent
- Eastern growing regions, including North Carolina, Kentucky and New Jersey, are back into steady production after Tropical Storm Debby; growers will continue to review long term effects from recent heavy rains
- Michigan, Wisconsin and Canada are in full summer production
- Prices continue to lower as multiple growing regions are in play
Red Bells
- The California growing region of Fresno is in full swing
- Quality is good; pepper walls are thick
- Small sizes are tight
- Hollister production is expected to start around August 26; excellent quality is anticipated
- Volume is increasing in Central Mexico as growers are coming online this week
- Canadian greenhouse supplies remain snug, especially in Ontario where plant disease hindered production
- The East Coast has a limited amount of colored peppers
- Expect prices to ease over the next two weeks
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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