Green bell pepper supplies are increasing as harvesting becomes established in the Midwest and Northeastern regions; markets are easing. Red bell pepper demand remains strong; prices are elevated despite new crop production in California. Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials (ESS) Green Bell Peppers are available; MFC and ESS Red Bell Peppers are snug.
Green Bells
- California production is underway in Hollister, Oxnard, and Fresno
- Quality is excellent
- Large sizes dominate availability
- The Fresno season is winding down; choice grade and small sizes are prevalent
- Volume ranges from low to average in Western North Carolina and Kentucky
- Production is in full swing in Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana, easing prices
- New Jersey will continue harvesting No. 1 grade stocks until mid-August; however, choice grades are abundant also
- Harvesting is getting underway in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec
- Prices are inching down as more regions begin production, increasing overall supplies
Red Bells
- The California crop is winding down in Bakersfield with hit-or-miss quality due to the prolonged heat wave in July
- Extra grading is required
- Large sizes are tight
- New crop harvesting is getting started in Fresno and Oxnard this weekend; full production isn’t expected for another week
- Canadian greenhouse supplies are a bit tighter, increasing demand in California
- Volume will increase in Central Mexico (crossing in South Texas) over the next two weeks as more growers come online
- The East Coast does not grow a significant amount of colored peppers
- Expect elevated prices over the next two weeks
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