Tomato supplies are extremely tight due to recent cold, rainy weather in Florida and Mexico. Markets are elevated. Markon First Crop (MFC) Tomatoes are available.
- Florida’s consistently poor weather has decreased supplies of round, Roma, cherry, and grape tomatoes
- This past weekend’s low evening temperatures slowed plant growth and fruit yields
- Small round tomatoes (6x7s) are limited
- Expect extremely low volume for the month of February due to bloom drops and fewer acres planted
- Mexican tomato production was hampered by rain in Sinaloa this week, further tightening stocks
- Demand for Mexican fruit has increased due to poor conditions on the East Coast
- New crop Culiacan fruit quality is good
- Improved round and Roma volume is expected in early February
- Grape and cherry varieties are extremely scarce; prices are elevated
- Expect persistently high prices over the next week
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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