Tomato volume will shift from Mexico to Florida during the month of April. Markon First Crop Tomatoes are available.
- Mexico production is holding steady with a good mix of older winter and new spring crops
- Round tomato quality is solid, with all sizes available
- Roma quality is improving with new fields in Obregon and Sonora; jumbo sizes dominate supplies
- Grape and cherry tomatoes will remain snug for the next two weeks
- Florida growers have started their transition to the Ruskin/Palmetto region; overall volume is light
- Quality is good, especially for mature green and Roma crown picks
- Medium-size Romas are most abundant
- Grape and cherry tomato quality has improved as growers moved away from older plants
- The California summer season, which typically begins mid-June, will continue to be challenged by drought concerns this year; lower overall growing acreage, sizing concerns, and fruit quality are potential issues that may arise during the season
- Expect markets to remain relatively steady this week
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