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September 7, 2023


Blueberry supplies are limited. Blackberries stocks are increasing. Raspberry volume is average.


  • The Pacific Northwest and Michigan seasons continue to wind down
    • Prices are elevated
    • Quality is fair
  • Peruvian import shipments are delayed, causing overall supply issues
    • El Nino conditions have raised temperatures and caused poor fruit set
    • Consistent volume is not expected until early October
  • The Mexican season is getting a slow start
    • Baja regions are starting to ramp up slowly; this week’s volume is limited
    • Adequate stocks aren’t expected until October
  • Elevated markets and limited supplies are forecast through the month of September


  • Production is winding down in the Pacific Northwest and Oxnard, California; new crop supplies are ramping up in Watsonville, California and Mexico
  • Improved weather has encouraged rapid growth and higher yields in both regions
  • Quality is very good
    • Red cell and bruising are minimal
    • Markets are slightly lower


  • Watsonville growers are shipping adequate volume; expect deep red color with the occasional over ripe berry
  • Mexican production continues to increase; expect some soft tips and broken fruit
  • Expect ample supplies and stable markets


Small-size oranges (113- through 138-count fruit) remain limited due to scarce supplies and strong demand. Prices for small lemons remain elevated due to tight stocks and strong demand.


  • Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials (ESS) Valencia Oranges are available
  • Small-size oranges (113- through 138-count fruit) are extremely limited
  • Expect to make size and grade substitutions to fill orders as needed
  • New crop California Navels will begin shipping in mid-October
  • Expect increasing markets and scarce supplies through September


  • MFC and ESS Lemons are available  
  • Small-size lemons (165- through 235-count fruit) remain limited
  • Size and/or country of origin changes may be needed to help fill orders
  • Offshore and Mexican supplies continue to help fill small-size shortages on the West Coast
  • New crop California lemons will begin shipping in mid-October
  • Expect tight stocks and elevated markets through the month of September

Green Onions

The green onion market remains elevated. The primary growing region of Mexicali, Mexico is experiencing another rain event today.


  • Strong winds, heavy rainfall, and flooding from Hurricane Hilary have greatly reduced supplies
  • Today’s additional rain is being accompanied by wind gusts up to 45 miles per hour, further impacting fields
    • No power outages are being reported at this time
    • Harvests were completed prior to today’s rain and lightning; however, harvests may be canceled or delayed tomorrow
  • Large-size packs remain limited; ‘longtop’ green onions are especially tight
  • Elevated markets will persist through September, at minimum


Fresh-run MFC Onions are being shipped out of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

  • Rain has delayed the first week of harvesting in Utah; onions shipped out of Utah will be product hauled from Washington this week
  • New crop onion quality is excellent
    • Jumbo onions are most plentiful
    • Colossal and super colossal supplies are sufficient
  • Growers will begin to pack and ship onions out of storage in early October
  • Expect markets to hold steady through the month of September
  • New crop onions have a rounder, more globe-like shape than supplies shipped during the summer months; early season supplies will still exhibit thin, light-colored skins until shipped out of storage


New crop, fresh-run MFC Norkotah Potatoes are available in Idaho and Washington. Expect the market to continue easing throughout the next few weeks.


  • Idaho: early pack-outs are dominated by 60- to 100-count sizes
  • Washington: early season volume is dominated by 50- to 70-count potatoes
  • Texas: early supplies are not meeting size specifications
  • Colorado and Wisconsin production will begin in mid-September
  • Fresh-run quality is excellent; occasional skinning and excess moisture on the skin of the potato are normal for this time of year
  • Potatoes will release moisture, as they cool, resulting in a light white surface residue that can easily be brushed off; the white residue dissipates as potatoes dry and does not pose any quality problems
  • New crop potatoes have not gone through the ‘sweat’ process yet; the ‘sweat’ process allows field heat to leave potatoes, putting them in dormancy and preventing sprouting during early months of storage

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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