Broccoli and Cauliflower
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Broccoli is available
- Expect prices to climb over the next 10 to 14 days as yields decrease
- Overall quality is good: pin rot is occasionally affecting some lots
- Demand is strong; markets are expected to maintain elevated levels over the next 10 to 14 days
Mexican Broccoli (Crossing into South Texas)
- Supplies will be limited over the next 10 to 14 days due to high temperatures and sporadic showers
- Demand for Mexican product is stronger due to low volume in other growing regions
- South Texas broccoli is expected to be $2.00 to $3.00 cheaper than product from the West Coast
- Markon Essentials Cauliflower is available
- Recent cool weather has slowed growth, resulting in fewer available supplies
- Expect good quality with great color and ideal size
- Elevated markets are forecast for the next 10 to 14 days
Cantaloupe & Honeydew
- MFC Cantaloupes and Honeydew Melons are tight; packer label will be substituted as needed
- Expect higher prices and limited supplies until the transition south during the week of October 11; new crop stocks are expected to ramp up by mid- to late October
- Size substitutions may be required to fill orders
- 6- and 8-count honeydew are extremely scarce
- 9-count cantaloupes are limited
- Overall quality is good
Green Beans
- RSS Trimmed Green Beans are limited; packer label may be substituted as needed
- Ohio volume is low due to insect pressure and record rain this season
- Production is winding down quickly in New York and Tennessee; quality is average
- Rain delayed harvesting in Virginia and Georgia, but it’s getting started this week
- California’s volume has fallen due to summer heat; new crop Imperial Desert harvests are expected to start in late October
- Recent hurricanes have lowered Baja volume; new crop harvesting will begin in mainland Mexico by mid-November
- Expect prices to remain elevated over the next two to three weeks or until stocks increase
- RSS price triggers remain in effect
Holiday Trees
- Holiday trees can be pre-ordered for the 2021 holiday season
- Pre-orders must be submitted to Markon no later than Friday, October 8, 2021
- Orders placed after this date will be subject to availability
- The first trees will be available for loading the week of November 29.
Idaho Potatoes
New Crop Norkotahs
- Quality is good: occasional skinning, excess moisture, and cooler mold may be observed in fresh-run potatoes
- U.S. No. 2 production remains limited
- Potatoes that would normally meet No. 1 grade are being packed to meet demand for No. 2 grade orders
- No. 2 supplies will increase once potatoes are shipped out of storage
- Norkotahs will begin shipping out of storage in mid-October
New Crop Burbanks
- New crop Burbank production will start next week
- Limited supplies of fresh-run packer label potatoes are expected to become available for shipment the week of October 11
- Once the harvest is complete, Burbank potatoes will be cellared in order to go through the sweat process, then will become available in early November
- Continual rain in the primary growing region of Veracruz, Mexico is prompting additional grading
- Quality issues such as skin breakdown, oil spotting, and styler are concerns
- Growers continue to limit harvesting time due to wet weather
- Small sizes (250- and 230- count sizes) dominate new crop volume
- New crop supplies will increase over the next two weeks
- Steady markets are forecast; demand is moderate
- Super colossal prices continue to climb
- Demand has shifted to colossal and jumbo sizes; these markets are also inching up
- Super colossal and colossal stocks will increase once suppliers begin to ship out of storage in mid-October
- Expect prices to remain elevated through October, when growers increase production for retail Thanksgiving holiday demand
- MFC Strawberries are available
- There is currently a two-tiered market in California as two separate growing areas are in production
- Salinas/Watsonville
- Santa Maria
- Salinas/Watsonville volume and quality are diminishing quickly, pushing demand for higher-quality fruit to Santa Maria
- New crop Santa Maria berries are commanding higher prices than the current crop of Salinas/Watsonville berries
- Expect markets to remain steady to slightly higher for the next two to three weeks
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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