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July 6, 2023


Supplies remain limited as Mexico’s new crop harvest is underway. The California and Peruvian seasons continue to help fill the void from Mexico’s slow start.


  • Mexico is now harvesting the Loca crop
    • Flowering is being reported outside the normal spring season
    • This late summer flowering matures its fruit in early winter, when the normal crop is in short supply
  • Larger sizes (32- to 48-count supplies) remain limited; smaller sizes (60- to 84-count) dominate availability
  • Quality is good; checkerboarding (uneven ripening within a case) has been reported
  • The Loca crop fruit will have longer shelf-life than other avocado crops with bright green texture, regardless of the ripening stage
  • Expect pricing to slightly decline as production increases over the next two weeks


  • Supply will increase in both regions as Mexico’s Loca yields rise
  • Quality is good; checkerboarding (uneven ripening) has been reported
  • Expect to see stable pricing and an increase in supply


Markets have risen as supplies decrease in the primary growing regions of Salinas and Santa Maria, California.

  • Markon Essentials (ESS) Cauliflower is available
  • Prices have risen
    • A relatively cool June has resulted in slower plant growth in the Salinas and Santa Maria Valleys
    • This weekend’s high pressure system will bring more favorable weather and spur growth, increasing yields quickly
  • Good color and consistent size have been noted in recent packs from both areas
  • Expect prices to strengthen further after recent gains before stabilizing or even falling amid increasing supply and steady-to weaker demand next week


Cantaloupe and honeydew production will transition north to Central California during the month of July. Markon First Crop (MFC) Cantaloupe and Honeydew Melons are available.


  • The Arizona/California desert is shipping adequate supplies; however, high temperatures (107 F) are slowing harvests
  • Production will begin in the Fresno region July 12
  • Large sizes are prevalent (nine- and jumbo nine-count fruit)
  • Quality is good with occasional ground spotting and netting observed
  • Expect slightly higher markets this week


  • Arizona/California desert stocks are ample
  • The Fresno season will start on July 14
  • Quality is fair with some wind scarring and ground discoloration
  • Sizes are dominated by jumbo five-count melons); six-count and smaller fruit is snug
  • Expect steady markets as crops transition north over the next two weeks

Mixed Berries

Raspberry supplies are limited; prices are rising. Blackberries stocks are tight, but markets are stable. Blueberry growers will ship promotable volume through July.


  • Volume continues to fall in Central Mexico due to high temperatures
    • Quality is good
    • Uneven ripening and broken fruit has been reported in some lots
  • Warmer weather is forecast in California’s Watsonville growing region for the next 7 days, increasing supplies
  • The industry will continue to be in a demand-exceeds-supply situation as we move into July


  • The majority of fruit will ship from Oregon and Washington growing regions for the month of July; quality from the Pacific Northwest is exceptional
  • Promotable volume is expected in California through July


  • Yields continue to decline in Central Mexico due to high heat
    • Growers are moving quickly through fields to avoid red cell as much as possible
    • Estimates remain limited with demand meeting supply
    • Markets to remain stable but elevated
  • Volume is  declining in Oxnard, California and will reach lowest production by mid-July
  • Production is slowly increasing in Watsonville, California


Markon First Crop (MFC) Onions are available out of California’s San Joaquin Valley and Southern New Mexico. 


  • After a slow start to the season, supplies have increased
  • Yields are dominated by medium and jumbo sizes; colossal stocks are sufficient, while super colossals are limited
  • Expect markets to hold firm for the next few weeks
  • Supplies are expected to ship into August

New Mexico

  • New Mexican onions are readily available
  • Pack-outs also favor medium to jumbo sizes; order fulfillment of colossal and super colossal onions is steady
  • Markets will remain elevated, but stable for the next few weeks
  • The season will run through mid-August

2023-2024 Northwest Storage Season

  • Idaho, Oregon, and Washington growers expect to have yellow onions available the first week of August; red and yellow onion production is slated to begin the week of August 7
  • Colorado and Utah growers currently estimate late August start dates

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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