Supplies are limited; high temperatures have increased quality issues, resulting in lower yields.
- Ready-Set-Serve (RSS) Washed & Trimmed Arugula is available
- Hot weather is causing rapid growth in current crops
- Overall volume is falling
- Field crews are culling plants with quality issues
- Seeder, yellowing, long stems, and flowering have been observed
- Crews remain diligent in weeding practices prior to production as well as selective in which plants to harvest
- Tighter supplies are expected over the next two weeks
All Mexican avocado supplies are tight; smaller-sized fruit is being substituted for large-size shortages. California and Peruvian stocks are being shipped when needed due to the Mexican season’s slow start.
- Large sizes (32- to 48-count supplies) remain extremely limited
- Smaller sizes (60- to 70-count) are tightening, as they are filling the void of large size avocado shortages
- Quality is good; checkerboarding (uneven ripening within a case) has been reported
- New crop Mexican fruit will have a longer shelf-life than other avocado crops and bright green texture, regardless of the ripening stage
- Expect elevated prices for large sizes and steady markets for smaller fruit
- Supplies will diminish through the month of August, as the season starts it’s seasonal decline
- The crop is currently dominated by 48- and 60-count No. 1 grade fruit
- Quality is good; checkerboarding (uneven ripening) has been reported
- Expect to see stable pricing
Bell Peppers
Bell pepper harvesting is transitioning on both coasts; prices are steady. Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials (ESS) Green and Red Bell Peppers are available.
Green Bells
- California
- The Bakersfield season is ending
- Fresno and Santa Clarita new crop green bell production is ramping up
- Quality is very good; color is vibrant
- Supplies are ample; markets are stable
- Central Mexico/East Coast
- Stocks out of Central Mexico (crossing into South Texas) are adequate
- North Carolina production is winding down; New Jersey and New York are now the primary source for green bell peppers on the East Coast
- Michigan and Ohio will start harvesting in a limited manner this week
- Prices are level; demand is moderate
- Quality ranges from good to fair
Red Bells
- California
- The Bakersfield season is winding down
- Fresno and Santa Clarita new crop production is expected to begin in two weeks
- Supplies will increase as new growing regions ramp up
- Expect steady markets during the Central and Southern California transitions
- Central Mexico/East Coast
- Canadian greenhouse volume is lower this week
- Central Mexican supplies (crossing into South Texas) remain limited
- Expect stable prices over the next two to three weeks
Blueberry volume is at promotable levels, while blackberry and raspberry supplies remain limited.
- Supplies will remain limited through the end of July
- Stocks are diminishing in Oxnard, California, while volume in the Watsonville and Santa Maria regions slowly increases
- Pacific Northwest growers will start harvesting in a light way next week; volume will climb through August
- Expect plentiful supplies, improved quality, and decreasing markets in the next 7-10 days
- Growers in Oregon and Washington will harvest the bulk of the North American crop through July
- The Pacific Northwest is hitting peak volume; quality is excellent
- Michigan blueberries will ship through August; quality is excellent
- Expect promotable volume over the next three weeks
- Supply levels are expected to decline in mid-August; expect much tighter supplies and increasing markets
- California supplies are diminishing
- The Oxnard and Santa Maria seasons are winding down
- Watsonville production is slow due to cool, wet mornings but is steadily increasing
- The Mexican season has ended
- Supplies will remain limited over the next two to three weeks; markets are rising
From the Fields: Salinas Valley Heat Wave Continues
Parts of the Salinas Valley will continue to experience warmer temperatures through the weekend into early next week. Inland growing areas will have temperatures in the mid-80s with highs in the 100s. Coastal areas such as Salinas, Castroville, and Watsonville will have seasonal average temperatures in the low 60s and 70s.
Markon inspectors are starting to see quality challenges impacting lettuce and other row crops items such as:
- Bolting/seeder
- Dehydration/wilting
- Increased insect pressure
- Internal burn
- Shortened shelf-life
- Sun scalding
As always, maintaining the cold chain throughout distribution is critical for maximizing quality and shelf-life of perishable produce items.
The Mexican grape season is wrapping up and the industry is starting to ship California-grown fruit. The Red Flame variety will be limited over the next three weeks. In order to fill all orders, the Sweet Bond black seedless variety will be substituted in portioned packs and destemmed grapes.
- Growers are transitioning from Mexico to California this week
- MFC California Red Flame Grapes will be packed in full through the middle of next week; thereafter, the darker color Sweet Bond variety be substituted in supplier label Lunch Bunch cartons and 4/5-pound destemmed packs through August 26
- California-grown MFC Lunch Bunch Grapes will start shipping in late August
The iceberg market is active due to lower industry supplies and strong demand for West Coast lettuce.
- MFC Premium Iceberg is currently being packed; Markon Best Available (MBA) may be substituted if necessary due to light weights
- Quality in the Salinas Valley is very good; insect pressure, sunscald, and wind damage are present in some lots
- Demand for West Coast iceberg is strong
- Inclement weather in the Eastern Seaboard growing areas is hindering regional supplies
- Supplies in Guanajuato, Mexico remain lower than normal due to unseasonably warm and rainy weather affecting quality and reducing yields
- By design, Salinas Valley plantings are reduced this time of year to offset regional production, further pushing up pricing
- Prices will continue to rise this week and are expected to be elevated for the next two weeks
The 165- through 200-count lemon market remains elevated due to limited supplies and strong demand. Offshore and Mexican lemons will help fill any ordering gaps.
- MFC and ESS Lemons are available
- Small-size lemons (165- through 235-count fruit) will be extremely limited
- Expect to make size and/or country or origin changes to help fill orders for small sizes
- Elevated pricing is forecast for the next six weeks
- Offshore fruit will run through early December
- The size profile will start off dominated by large lemons (95-through 140-count fruit) but smaller sizes will be available
- The crop is estimated to be comprised of 80% fancy grade and 20% choice grade lemons
- Early season quality is excellent
- Expect higher pricing compared to domestic and Mexican fruit due to high quality
- Mexican shipments will run through late November
- The size profile will start off small (165-through 235-count fruit) but larger sizes will be available
- The crop is estimated to be comprised of 60% fancy grade and 40% choice grade lemons
- Early season quality is very good (especially strong choice-grade fruit)
- Expect pricing comparable to domestic fruit until supplies increase
Inclement weather is slowing harvests in the main growing region of Veracruz, Mexico this week. Prices are elevated. MFC and ESS Limes are available.
- Growers in Veracruz, Mexico packed early this week due to increased rainstorms and minor flooding in the region
- Increasing scarring and blanching and other general quality issues are pushing prices upward
- Large-sized fruit (110- to 150-count limes) have increased
- Expect higher markets in August, as we enter rainy/hurricane season
7/26/2023 Inspection Report on MFC Premium Limes 200ct
Product | Pack | SIZE | COUNTS | Label | Opening Appearance |
Color | Firmness | Discoloration | Blanching | Oil Spots | Scarred Mechanicals |
Bruises | Skin Breakdown | Weak | Decay | Comments Overall Grade |
LIMES | CTN | 200 | 203-208 | MFC | Good | Good | Firm | 2% | 5% | 2% | 4% | 1% | Some light color and skin break down was spotted |
MFC Onions are readily available in the California and New Mexico growing areas. New crop Northwest onion harvest will begin the week of August 7.
- The San Joaquin Valley has experienced extremely high temperatures in recent weeks, with more hot days in the forecast
- Onion quality is holding up well despite the heat
- Yellow onion supplies are plentiful; markets have eased
- Red onion demand is strong
- Stocks are sufficient stocks
- Pricing is firm
- Supplies will be shipped through mid-August, with a few sheds shipping onions until the end of August
New Mexico
- New Mexico is also experiencing hot weather; however, quality continues to remain strong
- Yellow onion volume is high; markets have eased
- Red onion demand is strong, but stocks are adequate; pricing has inched up
- The season will run through mid-August
- Many Idaho and Washington growers will begin production the week of August 7; supply will ramp up the week of August 14
- Colorado and Utah-grown onions will hit the market after the Labor Day weekend
- Healthy onion crops and strong yields are expected this upcoming storage season; weather has been excellent for growing up to this point
Washington D ’Anjou pear supplies will be depleted by the end this week. California pear growers will start packing new crop Bartletts later this week.
- Remaining stocks are dominated by large size pears (90- and 100- count sizes)
- 110-count and smaller pears are limited
- Bartlett pears will be available to be consolidated at 4Earth, in Los Angeles, on Saturday, July 29;at least two-day lead time is preferred
- Growers pack and sell by the count as opposed to the volume-fill method used in Washington
- Suppliers ship 40-pound packs; Washington growers use 44-pound cartons
- Due to this pack difference, California ships approximately 6 to 10 fewer pieces of fruit per unit compared to Washington
- The attached photos show Washington and California pear packs
- California Bartletts will be on the market through September
2023-2024 Washington New Crop
- The Bartlett season is forecast to begin in mid-August
- D ‘Anjou production will start in early September
Pineapple supplies remain extremely scarce in Costa Rica, Mexico, and South America. Historically, pineapples become limited from mid-June through August. Markets continue to rise; coverage will be sporadic with pro rates and size substitutions expected over the next four to six weeks.
- A seasonal decline in overall supply is typically expected from mid-June through August
- This season, with the adverse weather conditions experienced in Costa Rica, supply shortages are more extreme than in years past
- All sizes are extremely limited
- Quality is fair with occasional lots showing decay, softness, mold, and over ripeness
Red and Yellow Potatoes
Storage crop MFC Red and Yellow Potato supplies are tight. Prices are expected to strengthen.
- MFC Red and Yellow Idaho Colored Potatoes will ship through July; volume is limited
- Prices are climbing
- Many suppliers have depleted storage stocks and are hauling potatoes from other regions to continue shipping out of Idaho
- New crop Idaho potatoes will become available in early August
North Dakota
- MFC Red Potatoes are available
- New crop red and yellow potatoes will begin to ship during the first week of August
- Red and yellow potatoes are available
- Prices are elevated
- Potatoes will ship through early August
- The Washington storage season has ended
- The new crop season will start next week
- New crop harvesting of MFC Wisconsin Potatoes will begin in early August
Markets continue to rise as demand exceeds supply throughout the industry. The Santa Maria spring crop is winding down quickly; expect a shortened shelf-life. Markon recommends ordering for quick turns.
Santa Maria, CA
- MFC Strawberries are available
- Fruit size is small (20 to 24 berries per one-pound clamshell)
- Softness, bruising, and occasional decay have been reported in some lots
- Growers are heavily culling fruit, causing estimates to fall short; pro-rates are expected
- Spring crops are winding down; the fall season is expected to start in mid- to late August
- Expect extremely limited supplies with a short shelf life over the next three weeks
Salinas/Watsonville, CA
- MFC Strawberries are available
- Fruit size is gradually becoming smaller (18 to 22 berries per one-pound clamshell)
- Persistently cool coastal temperatures are lowering volume
- Softness and slight bruising have been reported
- Demand exceeds supply
- Daily markets are active
- Stocks are limited
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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