California Citrus
- Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials Lemons and Oranges are available
- Growers cannot harvest fruit when it is wet
- Conditions are too difficult for crews and equipment to get in and out of the orchards when there is mud and standing water on the ground
- Markon has requested that harvesting crews pack next week’s orders early to get ahead of this rain event
- Quality is excellent and supplies are adequate
- Navel orange gas times have fallen to 24-48 hours
- MFC Premium Celery is available
- Oxnard and Santa Maria, California are the primary growing regions in December
- Rain totals ranging from 1”-2” limited production yesterday in both regions
- Most growers are back to harvesting today, although some Oxnard growers sustained significant crop damage due to flooding caused by excessive rain and a canal breach
- Additionally, some Oxnard lots scheduled for harvest in late December have been impacted by fusarium and insect pressure, reducing expected yields
- Ready-Set-Serve (RSS) Celery
- Growers have expressed concern about filling RSS Celery demand due to reduced raw product
- Your Markon representative will continue to communicate through the week, as damage is still being assessed
- The Florida season will begin in late December and run through April
- Yuma, Arizona harvesting will start in late December/early January and ship through mid- to late March
- Markets are expected to remain active through December at minimum
Grapes Transitioning to Offshore Fruit
- Imported grapes will enter the market next week, December 27, 2021
- Peruvian red seedless grapes will become available next week, December 27
- Peruvian green seedless grapes are forecast to begin shipping the week of January 3, 2022
- Imported Lunch Bunch Grapes will hit the market January 17, 2022
Green Onions
- RSS Green Onions are available
- Mexicali has experienced highs in the 60s with evening temperatures dipping as low as the mid-30s over the past 10 days
- Approximately 1” of rain is forecast for Friday, December 24 into Saturday, December 25
- This rain is expected to have minimal effect as most growers will not harvest Friday or Saturday; production will resume Sunday, December 26
- Similar cold weather is forecast through the end of the year into January 2022
- Expect elevated markets for the next three to four weeks at minimum, pending warmer weather
Northwest Onion and Potato Holiday Loading Hours
- On Christmas and New Year’s Eve, most sheds will be working abbreviated hours; a few sheds will be closed
- All sheds will be closed on Christmas and New Year’s Day
- Important to note: Monday, December 27 and January 3 will be very slow loading days as suppliers will not produce over the holidays or weekends
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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