Rain is expected in the Oxnard, California growing region starting Sunday, February 18 and continuing through Wednesday, February 21. This rain event will reduce supply levels and have a negative effect on quality. Rain is expected in the Dover, Florida growing region from Saturday, February 17 and Sunday, February 18.
- The forecast calls for rain Sunday, February 18 through Wednesday, February 21
- Volume is currently low and with rainfall forecast for next week, supplies will further tighten
- Expect a demand-exceeds-supply market for the next two weeks
- Quality is currently good; rain will decrease overall quality, causing white shoulders and bruising
- Maintaining the cold chain will be vital for shelf-life; Markon recommends ordering for quick turns
Mexico (into South Texas)
- Overall volume is decreasing as the season has moved past its peak
- Quality is currently good; white shoulders have been reported
- Anticipate steady prices and tight supplies this region helps fill the void from West Coast shortages
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Strawberries are available
- Forecasts call for rain Saturday, February 17 and Sunday, February 18
- Quality is currently good; white shoulders and uneven size have been reported
- Expect tight supplies at the start of next week as fields recover from rain; volume will increase later next week due as weather improves
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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