Harvesting has been curtailed as California strawberry growers continue to recover from the last week’s rain. More precipitation is in forecast for Saturday, February 17 through Wednesday, February 21; expect further delays.
Oxnard, California
- Up to three inches of rain is forecast for February 17 through February 21
- Expect slow production during this time frame
- Prices will climb due to stronger demand
Central Mexico (Loading in South Texas)
- Quality is good; issues include white shoulders and occasional bruising
- Expect to stocks tighten and markets to increase as demand shifts from California
- Mexico’s growing season is scheduled to end in late March
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Strawberries are available
- Rain is forecast for Saturday, February 17 and Sunday, February 18
- Quality is good; issues include white shoulders and occasional over-ripening
- Expect steady volume
- The Florida growing season will end in early March
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