Demand exceeds supply in California, Florida, and Mexico (into South Texas). Markon DCs are advised to consult with their Markon representative about loading out of South Texas.
Santa Maria/Oxnard, California
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Strawberries are available
- The industry is in a demand-exceeds-supply situation
- The forecast calls for rain Friday, December 29 into Wednesday, January 3
- Expect strong demand and elevated markets through the month of January
- Plastic clamshells may need to be substituted for corrugated packs due to rain
- MFC Strawberries are available
- The forecast calls for rain Thursday, December 28 and into next week
- Yields will fall over the next two weeks
- Quality is good; issues include white shoulders and early bruising
- Expect elevated markets and short supplies through the next two weeks
Central Mexico (loading in South Texas)
- Markon DCs are advised to load out of South Texas due to limited domestic supplies from Friday, December 29 through January 6
- Quality is good; issues include white shoulders and occasional overripening
- Size ranges from small to medium (22 to 25 berries per one-pound clamshell)
- Expect to see pricing increase as Mexico fills shortages from California and Florida
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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