Strawberry supplies are increasing. Production has ended in Mexico and Florida. Expect steady markets for the next three to five days.
Santa Maria/Oxnard, California
- Markon First Crop Strawberries are available
- Yields are expected to increase daily as a warming trend hits these growing areas
- Quality is good; green shoulders are occasional issues
- Size is dominated by medium berries (14 to 18 pieces per one-pound clamshell)
- Expect steady markets for the next three to five days
Central Mexico (Loading in South Texas)
- Supplies are extremely limited; most growers have ended their season
- Quality is fair: heat-related issues are being reported
- Most growers have shifted to their California growing programs
- The season has come to an end as heat-related quality issues persist
- All fruit being harvested is being sold to local markets
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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