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August 29, 2023

Squash and zucchini stocks remain limited in all current growing regions; markets are elevated.

West Coast  

  • California yellow squash and zucchini supplies are limited
    • Prices are elevated
    • Demand is strong
  • Warm weather, humidity, and strong winds are resulting in shorter shelf-life out of the Santa Maria region; scarring, dehydration, and soft/overripe texture are occasional issues
  • Expect high markets for the next two weeks

East Coast

  • Yellow squash and zucchini supplies remain limited in North Carolina, New Jersey, and Michigan
  • Hurricane Idalia is expected to impact North Carolina squash production as it travels up the coast starting Wednesday
  • East Coast demand is shifting to the West Coast where supplies are more abundant
  • Expect markets to strengthen over the next one to two weeks


  • Production is ramping back up in Baja, Mexico following flooding caused by Hurricane Hilary
  • New crop volume is low but will increase in the coming weeks
  • Quality ranges from fair to good

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