Large-size California Navels remain tight, while smaller sizes are also becoming limited; prices are rising. Florida Valenica season is ending this week while new crop California Valencias are expected to enter the market the first week of May.
- Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials (ESS) Navel Oranges are available
- Large sizes (48- to 72-count fruit) remain limited; smaller sizes will become progressively tighter as mid-season varieties finish up this month
- Late Navel varieties are expected to begin early May with availability into June
- Quality is very good; Brix levels are high
- As temperatures increase, puffing and creasing will become quality concerns; these problems occur in late season Navels when temperatures rise causing rinds to separate and creating soft, puffy fruit
- The Florida Valencia season will end this week
- Texas domestic Valencias will wind down the last week of April
- California Valencias are expected to enter the market the first week of May
- The overall crop is down six percent from last year
- Samples gathered indicate this crop has the smallest diameter in the last 10 years
- Early production will require no gassing as color is ideal
- Gassing will most likely be required in July/August when Valencias start to regreen from heat
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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