Blueberry volume continues to decrease causing rapidly rising markets. Blackberry and raspberry supplies are slowly increasing and will meet and/or exceed demand in September.
- The main growing regions of the Pacific Northwest and Michigan are winding down for the season
- Peruvian production has been delayed
- El Nino conditions have caused warmer weather and poor fruit set
- Volume will rise in late September/early October
- The Mexican season is slow to ramp up
- Smaller growing regions are just getting started
- Adequate volume isn’t expected until October
- Elevated markets and limited stocks are forecast through the month of September
- Supply continues to exceed demand
- Improved weather has encouraged rapid growth and higher yields in both Watsonville, California and Mexico
- Quality is very good; red cell and bruising are minimal
- Expect rising volume into September
- Watsonville is shipping adequate volume but humidity has lowered harvesting estimates; expect deep red color with occasional over ripe berries
- Mexican production will slowly increase into September; expect some soft tips and broken fruit
- Ample supplies with relatively stable markets are forecast
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