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May 17, 2022

Idaho storage potato supplies have tightened, as the remaining Norkotah crop is nearly depleted.

Storage Crop

  • Idaho Norkotah potatoes are expected to be depleted by May 31
  • Burbanks will be the sole variety on the market until new crop, field run, Norkotahs become available early August
  • Overall supplies have tightened as the remaining Norkotah crop begins to wind down
  • Sizing:
  • 40- and 50-count stocks are adequate
  • 60- through 80-count supplies are limited
  • 90– through 120-count potatoes are readily available
  • Quality is good: pressure and shoulder bruising, along with hollow heart, will be seen sporadically in remaining storage supplies (both Norkotahs and Burbanks)
  • Pressure and shoulder bruising (soft, external indents) results from constant contact with adjacent potatoes, or the floor, while raw product sits in storage piles
  • Hollow heart (small, irregularly shaped internal craters) develops internally during the season when potatoes grow faster than normal due to adverse weather

2022-2023 Season

  • 2022/2023 new crop potato planting started in April and finished last week
  • Harvesting will begin in August

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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