Extreme temperatures followed by excessive rain from Tropical Storm Kay have significantly reduced green onion supplies. Demand remains extremely strong, far exceeding supply.
- Hot weather without nighttime cooling relief has led to warmer-than-normal ground temperatures, increasing thrip/pest pressure and reducing yields
- Sustained excessive heat has slowed onion maturity, resulting in persistently lower yields
- Hurricane Kay was downgraded to a tropical storm last week; however, significant rainfall caused flooding in many fields and power outages at various packing sheds located in Baja and Northern Mexico’s green onion growing districts
- Growers are working to assess potential crop losses as fields dry out this week
- All have resumed harvesting and packing in some capacity today
- Increased inspections at the Southern U.S. border due to elevated pest pressure have resulted in longer border crossing times, further reducing availability
- Expect markets to remain elevated through mid-October at minimum, pending additional extreme conditions
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