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October 18, 2022

Green leaf, iceberg, and romaine supplies remain extremely limited, at record high market levels. Suppliers of all three commodities have not been able to fulfill 100% of their weekly contract commitments or regular open market business over the past three weeks.

  • Supplies of all three commodities will slowly increase over the next two weeks as growers break into fields in Huron and Oxnard, California
  • Production in Salinas and Santa Maria, California will continue through early to mid-November
  • Suppliers are forecast to harvest their first fields in the desert regions of Yuma, Arizona and Imperial Valley, California the week of November 7
  • Quality and weights will vary depending on growing region, field location, and timing of harvest, as growers stretch their production schedule for harvestable product while also managing disease pressure to maximize yields
  • Expect lightweight commodity boxes and quality challenges in green leaf, iceberg, and romaine through mid-November
  • Lower markets are forecast in the coming weeks as more supplies become available through the transition to the desert regions
  • Additionally, supplies of value-added iceberg and romaine salads continue to be limited; Markon’s competition is not being filled to their current demand; Ready-Set-Serve Salads will be filled to 100% of averages at minimum

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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