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October 13, 2022

Green leaf, iceberg, and romaine supplies are extremely limited; market levels are higher than have ever been witnessed before. Suppliers of all three commodities have not been able to fulfill 100% of their weekly contract commitments or regular open market business over the past two weeks.

  • Supplies will be as limited next week; prices are expected to stabilize at current levels
  • Industry supplies will begin to increase toward the end of next week, as a few suppliers will start harvesting iceberg and romaine in Huron, California, with continued supplies from California’s three other growing areas, Oxnard, Santa Maria, and Salinas
  • The supply picture will be greatly enhanced the week of October 31, as some suppliers will break into their first fields in the desert regions of Yuma, Arizona and Imperial Valley, California.
  • Markets will remain elevated but will begin to decline slowly; barring any weather events, by the week of November 14 supplies will be more available to meet demand, with markets beginning to approach normal levels
  • Prior to the transition to the desert regions, suppliers will continue to harvest heavily in the Salinas and Santa Maria Valleys
    • Fields are challenged with both soil-borne diseases and the INSV virus, forcing growers to harvest fields earlier than normal to help meet demand and mitigate crop loss
  • Expect lightweight boxes and quality challenges in all three commodities through mid-November

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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