Green leaf, iceberg, and romaine supplies have been impacted by disease pressure and high temperatures, particularly in south Salinas Valley. Although supplies will remain adequate through the month of August, many growers are seeing reduced yields that are causing markets to rise.
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Premium Green Leaf is available
- Despite the warm weather, case weights are high with above-average quality
- Some lots are showing dense heads, fringe burn, and occasional weak tip but these issues are easily avoided by harvesting crews
- Markets are forecast to climb over the next 10-14 days, but no major gaps or shortages are predicted
- MFC Premium Iceberg and Romaine are available; a limited amount of Markon Best Available is being substituted due to low case weights and quality concerns
- Recent high heat and humidity are causing varying levels of internal burn, growth crack, seeder, salt and pepper, mildew, and thrip damage
- Iceberg prices will rise over the next 10-14 days; yields are falling due to heat, increased disease pressure, and strong demand
- Romaine markets are climbing due to reduced plantings as well as elevated pest and disease pressure in second plantings
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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