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September 5, 2023

Supplies are limited following severe weather events in both Baja, Mexico and East Coast growing regions. Markon First Crop and Markon Essentials Cucumbers are available.

  • Quality has fallen in Baja following Hurricane Hilary
    • Increased mildew is killing plants, resulting in lower yields
    • Growers will transition to Sonora and Sinaloa, Mexico in late October
    • Expect supplies to tighten and markets to climb through October
  • Volume is low in North Carolina, New Jersey, Ohio, New York, and Michigan
    • Yields are decreasing as growers prepare to transition south for the fall
    • The Georgia season is expected to start in a limited manner over the next three to four weeks
    • Expect tight stocks early in the Georgia season as a result of Hurricane Idalia

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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