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June 22, 2023

Chile pepper markets are active, especially prices for specialty varieties such as Habaneros, Red Fresnos, and Anaheims, due to severe weather and harvesting transitions in Mexico and Georgia.

  • Demand is strong in Mexico; hailstorm damage prematurely ended the season in the state of Chihuahua
    • New crop Baja production is not expected reach normal levels until first week of July
    • Overall quality is average
  • California growers are harvesting limited quantities of good quality Jalapenos and Poblanos; more volume is expected next week
  • East Coast production is focused in Georgia; however, rainstorms have slowed harvests
  • Red Fresnos, Habaneros and Anaheim Chiles are extremely snug due to fewer acres planted
  • Expect prices to remain elevated over the next two weeks

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