The cauliflower market continues to escalate. Supplies are tight due to slowed plant maturity following cooler night-time temperatures in Salinas and Santa Maria, California.
- Markon Essentials (ESS) Cauliflower is available in Salinas, California; packer label is being substituted as necessary
- Supplies are down industry wide this week
- Packer label cauliflower has limited availability in the Salinas and Santa Maria Valleys
- Sizing is dominated by 16-count packs; 12-count and 9-count packs are limited as cold temperatures stall growth
- Pin rot, damage from Diamondback moth larvae, early breakdown, off color, and brown spotting are prevalent, further limiting supplies
- Expect limited supplies and elevated markets for a minimum of two weeks
Arizona and California Desert Growing Regions
- Production is scheduled to begin by mid- to late November
- The Salinas Valley season is scheduled to end by the first week of December
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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