Markon First Crop Cantaloupe and Honeydew melons are limited; packer label is being substituted as the domestic season winds down. Cantaloupe prices are high as availability of domestic supplies tighten. Honeydew prices are lower.
- The primary domestic growing region of Brawley, California and Yuma, Arizona is ending earlier than normal
- The season was expected to end the week of November 15
- Quality is average with the occasional ground spotting and green tinge on both varieties
- Mexico is providing additional supply crossing through Nogales, Arizona
- Supplies are very low on Cantaloupe and average on Honeydews
- Quality is good
- Central American offshore stocks are expected to arrive earlier than normal this year
- Stocks will be available in Florida the week of November 15
- West coast will have their first arrival the week of November 22
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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