Broccoli and cauliflower prices have risen in the Arizona-California desert region. Markets for both commodities are set to climb further this week.
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Premium Broccoli Crowns are available in Yuma, Arizona and Mexico (into South Texas)
- Quality ranges from fair to good
- Impacts from precipitation over the weekend are leading to increased incidences of cat eye, brown bead, and crown yellowing
- Mexican-grown product is available for loading in South Texas at slightly lower FOB costs
- Quality is better than in domestic stocks
- Both Northern and Central Mexican regions are producing ample supplies
- Overall markets are expected to climb through the next two weeks
- Barring any heavy storm activity, Mexico should maintain a price advantage through early January
- Markon Essentials (ESS) Cauliflower is available in Yuma, Arizona
- Quality has diminished; reports of discoloration/spotting, ricing, and early breakdown are prevalent due to precipitation and low temperatures seen over the last 7-10 days
- The relatively mild temperatures forecast for end the year will help maintain sufficient supply levels and improve quality
- Product is also available in Santa Maria, California at an FOB cost savings for members that can load out west
- Expect prices to continue climbing this week before stabilizing in the new year
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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