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November 1, 2022


  • Supplies from both the Salinas and Santa Maria Valleys are diminishing as the season winds down
  • Widespread pin rot continues to affect the appearance and shelf-life of crowns
  • Cooler weather, especially low nighttime temperatures, and rain in the forecast for this week will slow head maturation and could increase the occurrence of mildew in finished packs
  • Expect elevated markets until mid-November


  • Cauliflower markets are escalating
  • Supplies from both the Salinas and Santa Maria Valleys are extremely limited
  • Quality is poor throughout the industry
  • In addition to pin rot, early breakdown, off color, and brown spotting, low temperatures that are forecast for the end of this week will slow growth and reduce yields at the field level
  • Suppliers are cutting ahead of scheduled acreage to avoid quality defects
    • 12-count packs will be virtually non-existent
    • 16-count cases will dominate availability as growers are forced to harvest immature fields

Arizona and California Desert Growing Regions

  • Production is scheduled to begin by mid- to late November
  • The Salinas Valley season will end by the first week of December

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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