Orange, red, and yellow bell pepper supplies are extremely limited; demand exceeds supply. Green bell pepper volume is improving; supplies are ample. Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials (ESS) Green Bell Peppers are available.
Orange/Red/Yellow Bells
- Mexico’s cold weather and frost last week has slowed fruit ripening; demand exceeds supply
- Quality is good; green cast is the primary concern
- Supply is tight this week; warmer weather in the forecast will help ripen fruit
- Yellow and orange pepper supplies are tight; suppliers are struggling to meet demand
- Some suppliers in Mexico have enacted disaster clauses on contracts
- Expect higher prices this week
Green Bells
- Florida supply remains light due to consistent inclement weather affecting harvest schedules and yields; quality is average and all sizes are available
- Mexico production is increasing and warmer weather this week will further improve supply; quality is good
- Expect slightly lower markets over the next two weeks; overall supplies are ample
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