Green bell pepper supplies are tight due to cooler weather in Florida and Mexico. Red bell volume is slowly increasing in Mexico. Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials (ESS) Green and Red Bell Peppers are available.
Green Bells
- Florida stocks are limited
- Recent cool weather and rain disrupted harvest schedules and reduced yields
- Quality is average
- Production is moderate in Culiacan, Mexico due to cool evenings (mid-40s)
- Overall quality is good
- All are sizes available
- Demand has shifted to Mexico
- Expect slightly higher markets over the next two weeks
Red Bells
- The California desert season has come to an end
- Supplies are gradually increasing in Culiacan, Mexico
- New fields are being harvested
- Quality is very good
- All sizes are available
- Expect pricing to remain steady this week due to cooler weather, but begin easing the following week
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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