Green bell peppers are readily available in both Florida and Mexico. This week’s cold California weather will affect red bell pepper volume. Markon First Crop and Markon Essentials Green and Red Bell Peppers are available.
Red Bells
- Cold weather is forecast in California’s Imperial desert region this week, which will hinder growth and slow the ripening process
- Large and extra-large sizes will become snug
- Quality is good: extra grading is required
- Production is slightly behind schedule in Sonora, Mexico
- Harvesting is expected to start in 10-15 days, depending on weather
- Early reports state that quality is very good
- The East Coast does not produce a significant volume of colored peppers
- Markets are expected to rise over the next one to two weeks
Green Bells
- California’s Coachella green bell season is quickly coming to an end due to cold weather; limited quantities remain on the market
- The mainland Mexico season is well underway in the Obregon and Hermosillo regions (into Nogales, Arizona)
- All sizes are available, but large peppers are more abundant
- Quality is excellent
- South Florida harvests are underway; most growers are in the middle of their crown picks
- Jumbo and extra-large sizes are peaking
- Overall quality is good
- Prices are expected to remain steady
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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