Bell pepper markets are elevated due to weather, seasonal decline, and tight supplies. Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials (ESS) Green and Red Bell Peppers are available; packer label is being substituted as needed.
Green Bells
- Mexican supplies are tight due to cool evening temperatures and normal seasonal decline
- All sizes and grades are available
- Quality is mixed
- Florida volume has fallen due to the early February freezing conditions which caused bloom drop
- New fields primarily consist of jumbo sizes (with good quality), while older fields are producing smaller/average quality peppers
- This past weekend’s cold weather might delay additional spring crops due to start this week
- Expect prices to remain elevated in March
Red Bells
- Mexican production is steady this week
- Large- and medium-size fruit are the most abundant
- Supplies will tighten over the next few weeks as some growers are harvesting in advance to sell on the elevated green bell market
- Quality is good
- Florida harvests only a small quantity of colored bells
- Canadian greenhouse harvesting has started with very low volume; deep color and high quality are being reported
- Expect prices to fluctuate over the next two weeks
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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