Avocado supplies remain limited as Mexico’s new crop harvest is underway. The California and Peruvian seasons continue to help fill the void from Mexico’s slow start.
- Mexico is now harvesting the Loca crop
- Flowering is being reported outside the normal spring season
- This late summer flowering matures its fruit in early winter, when the normal crop is in short supply
- Larger sizes (32- to 48-count supplies) remain limited; smaller sizes (60- to 84-count) dominate availability
- Quality is good; checkerboarding (uneven ripening within a case) has been reported
- The Loca crop fruit will have longer shelf-life than other avocado crops with bright green texture, regardless of the ripening stage
- Expect pricing to slightly decline as production increases over the next two weeks
- Supply will increase in both regions as Mexico’s Loca yields rise
- Quality is good; checkerboarding (uneven ripening) has been reported
- Expect to see stable pricing and an increase in supply
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