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May 19, 2022

Small avocados (60- to 84-count fruit) are limited; demand has shifted to these sizes as harvesting has been cut back in Mexico. Expect tight stocks and elevated markets through the summer.


  • Small sizes (60- to 84-count fruit) are limited
  • Volume is anticipated to be 10 million pounds short of weekly projections
  • Expect elevated markets and tight supplies through the summer


  • Yields are down from the season’s peak two weeks ago
  • Size curve favors smaller sizes (60- to 84-count fruit) which is welcome as Mexico and Peru are shipping predominately large fruit (32- to 48-count avocados)
  • Quality is good
  • Expect elevated markets and tight supplies through the summer


  • Fruit has begun to arrive into the U.S. this week
  • Expect volume to ramp up over the next few weeks
  • Projections for this season are up 25% over last year’s numbers

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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