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August 22, 2023

Storage crop Washington Markon First Crop (MFC) Gala and Red Delicious Apples remain available. The Washington MFC Fuji, Granny Smith, and Golden Delicious seasons are beginning to wind down. Michigan apples are readily available.

  • In Washington, new crop MFC Gala and Gold Delicious Apples are on the market
  • Adequate stocks of storage MFC Fuji and Red Delicious remain available
  • Granny Smith supplies will be limited for the next few weeks as storage stocks diminish
    • Size substitutions may be necessary for Granny Smith order coverage until new crop harvesting begins
    • Prices have increased
  • Michigan apple volume remains high
    • Seasonal yields are well-above average; no supply gap is expected on the varieties below
    • Ideal weather conditions this past spring and summer produced an abundant crop
  • Please see the grid below for a quick reference to Michigan and Washington apple transitions and current size profiles:
Availability Fuji Gala Golden Delicious Granny Smith Red Delicious
Storage crop ends: Early September Done Done September 1 Early September
Current size profile: 72- to 88-count 72- to 88-count 80- to 113-count 100- to 125- count 64- to 100-count
Most limited supplies: 100-count and smaller 100-count and smaller 138-count and smaller 72- thru 88- count;

138-count and smaller

150-count and smaller
New crop starts: September 18 New Crop has started New Crop has started September 5 Early September
Availability Fuji Gala Red Delicious
Storage crop ends: Late September Mid-September Late September
Current size profile: 72- to 100-count 72- to 100-count 64- to 100-count
Most limited supplies: 125-count and smaller 120-count and smaller 150-count and smaller
New crop starts: Late September Early September Late September

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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