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Keys To Customer Loyalty

Restaurant manager making new suggestions to the employees

More than ever before, today’s foodservice customer is juggling more demands, including labor shortages, ingredient inflation, menu creation, and implementing innovations like AI and robotics. Sales reps’ roles have also shifted, becoming more about consultation than mere order fulfillment. Creating a partnership with operator customers allows you to help them meet their goals—making you indispensable and ensuring repeat business.

  • Labor Solutions: By using RSS pre-cut produce ingredients on menus, foodservice operators can cut down on back-of-house labor needs. Salad blends, sliced and diced onions, carrots, celery, and avocados—they can skip the prep on these items yet still serve scratch cooking!
  • Ingredient Shifts: Global cuisines now outnumber American dishes from coast to coast. Modern diners crave adventurous flavors and textures that make their meal an experience. Advising your operator-customers which ingredients are must-haves for worldly recipes can save them valuable time.
  • Menu Consultation: In addition to ingredient suggestions, sales reps can utilize innovative technology (for example, AI) to capture currently ordered items and offer most cost effective or on-trend substitutes. A educated produce sales rep + knowledge of the latest tools can revolutionize what an operator serves while increasing profits.

Diners are increasingly hyper-focused on high-protein and plant-based foods. Alongside all of the new-fangled, lab-based, cell-cultured options out there is the humble bean. A staple food for millenia, beans are being re-examined as a healthy, versatile ingredient worthy of menu inclusion.

  • Retro and heirloom recipes—like Southern succotash, French cassoulet, and Cajun red beans and rice—fit the bill for those in search of authenticity.
  • Most world cuisines incorporate some type of bean in their classic dishes. Think feijoada in Brazil, black beans and rice with plantains in Puerto Rico, and garbanzo beans in Israel. Modern interpretations of these recipes are packed with produce and herbs.
  • The creamy texture of mung beans is proving an ideal substitute for those that are eliminating soy from their diets.