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Fight Food Waste

Expired Organic bio waste. Mix Vegetables and fruits in a huge container, in a rubbish bin. Heap of Compost from vegetables or food for animals.

Restaurant food waste is both an environmental and budgetary problem that foodservice operators would be wise to address. Keeping food out of garbage reduces carbon footprints, increases restaurant cost controls, and maximizes profitability.

  • Proper Storage: It’s important to know where various products should be stored in coolers, and at what temperatures, to prevent them from spoiling. Markon offers laminated back-of-house posters that can be hung on cooler doors for quick reference. Ask your sales rep for copies.
  • FIFO: In addition to storing in the correct cooler regions, it’s critical to employ the First In, First Out method to ensure that ingredients are used by their expiration dates. Unusable product is money in the garbage. Always train kitchen staff on proper receiving and storage procedures.
  • Ready-Set-Serve: Markon’s value-added line includes hundreds of choices of lightly prepped and fully prepped, pre-cut, pre-packaged products that provide efficiency in your kitchen while helping you deliver high quality, consistent plated recipes. With up to 30% yield improvement on average, using these items reduces labor and waste costs—taking the focus off preparing produce and puts it back on creativity.
  • Cross-Utilize Ingredients: Ordering items that can be used in multiple recipes across all dayparts will increase the likelihood of usage. For instance, bell peppers can be included in omelets, salads, salsas, sauces, soups, pastas, and pizzas, reducing SKUs and ensuring lower prices through bulk ordering.
  • Seasonality: Although many ingredients are available year-round, focusing on items that are in season from a culinary perspective will increase orders and reduce waste. For instance, winter squash is always on the market, but most customers crave lighter recipes during the spring and summer. Changing menus to reflect these wants and needs will increase orders and lower shrink.
  • Specials & LTOs: These types of frequent promotions are an ideal way to repurpose excess inventory and avoid throwing ingredients away.

Diners are increasingly hyper-focused on high-protein and plant-based foods. Alongside all of the new-fangled, lab-based, cell-cultured options out there is the humble bean. A staple food for millenia, beans are being re-examined as a healthy, versatile ingredient worthy of menu inclusion.

  • Retro and heirloom recipes—like Southern succotash, French cassoulet, and Cajun red beans and rice—fit the bill for those in search of authenticity.
  • Most world cuisines incorporate some type of bean in their classic dishes. Think feijoada in Brazil, black beans and rice with plantains in Puerto Rico, and garbanzo beans in Israel. Modern interpretations of these recipes are packed with produce and herbs.
  • The creamy texture of mung beans is proving an ideal substitute for those that are eliminating soy from their diets.