Iceberg and leaf lettuce crops in California’s Salinas Valley are experiencing some challenges related to disrupted planting schedules back in March caused by heavy rains/flooding as well as cool, humid conditions over the past two weeks.
Since the Salinas season started, the industry has seen peaks and valleys of supply and optimal plant maturity based on when and how growers were able to plant their crops in between the many heavy rain events of the winter/early spring. This is expected to be the last significant supply gap related to the heavy rains in March.
Markon First Crop (MFC) Iceberg and some MFC Green Leaf and Romaine packs are limited; Markon Best Available (MBA) is being substituted as needed. Case weights for 24-count liner lettuce have been dropping into the upper 30- to mid-40 pound range and may remain low through next week or longer. Some varieties of green lead and romaine have been vulnerable to internal burn/fog burn issues caused by high humidity and excess moisture that occurs when the morning marine layer recedes and temperatures warm up in the afternoons. Increased insect pressure has also been observed in some lots.
Marko n inspectors are working with our suppliers to secure the best lots for commodity and value-added packs and will continue to update as needed.
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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