The Arizona/California desert growing region has experienced dramatic weather changes over the past week, causing heat-related quality challenges to arise for many desert row crops. Insect pressure continues to increase industrywide. Harvesting crews are taking steps to reduce insect counts, but will not be able to eliminate them completely.
Preliminary inspections from the Huron, California growing region reveal high insect counts in romaine lettuce in particular, but only a small percentage of suppliers are utilizing the Huron region this season due to insufficient water allocation. It is yet to be determined if the Salinas Valley will have insect concerns once suppliers start harvests there during the last week of March or first week of April.
Markon inspectors will continue to monitor fields and finished Ready-Set-Serve packs closely as well as work with suppliers to secure the best product available. We will continue to update with the latest on field conditions and quality outlook.
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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