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December 29, 2021

The Arizona/California desert growing region is anticipating more rain starting early tomorrow morning in the Coachella growing region; estimated total rainfall is between .50”- 1.25”. Rain in the Yuma region will begin on Thursday evening, December 30, continuing into Friday mid-morning, December 31; approximately .25”-.50” is expected. This rain event will be followed by possible lettuce ice on Monday, January 3, and another chance of rainfall by Tuesday, January 4.

The continued weather pattern of rain and cold temperatures over the past 10-14 days has caused production and quality issues for broccoli, lettuces, and other desert row crops. Challenges include:

  • Bottom rot/decay
  • Decreased case weights
  • Delayed harvesting, processing, and loading times due to poor field conditions
  • Epidermal blistering/epidermal peeling
  • Increased mildew pressure
  • Premature pinking in commodity and value-added items
  • Shortened shelf-life potential

Markon is directing all brand suppliers to pack ahead of the rain to ensure all orders are covered through the holiday weekend. Maintaining the cold chain throughout distribution is critical for maximizing quality and shelf-life.

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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